Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Firefront link: Crysis War Levels and Objects.
keys to conduct the elevators:
Helen's elevator: u (up); p (down).
Miranda's elevator: l (up); n (down).
Firefront SketchUp link & Google Warehouse Link
The model was separated into 2 parts to be uploaded to Google Warehouse.
Friday, June 11, 2010
SketchUp Model: 2 Elevators & Dining Table
MashUp of 3 News Articles
She was not an ethereal, virginal figure from some Renaissance painting, but a tall, dark, beautiful woman, who had won the hearts of men the world over. Beneath the glamorous exterior, she conveys an impression of the power of passion. Every thought awakened her soul, gave it light, hope, joy, set it free. “The power of the mind is so strong,” she does not throw her weight around, or behave like a loose cannon, she just try large loves and heavenly charities and embrace her blindness and deafness. No barrier of the senses shuts her out from humour and smiles, but people no more know what lies behind her smile than what lies behind the Mona Lisa's. Without embarrassment or awkwardness, she spends her life negotiating “I just live in the moment and enjoy every step along the way.”
p.s. Some grammar errors of tense happen for the fact that Keller has passed away while the other two ladies are still alive.
Petri Liukkonen, “Helen Keller (1880-1968)”, Kuusankosken kaupunginkirjasto 2008. (accessed 6 June, 2010)
Andrew Gimson, “Profile: Angela Merkel and the talent of seeming ordinary”, Telegraph, 13 Nov 2009. (accessed 6 June, 2010)
Sacha Strebe, “Miranda Kerr and Her New Baby”, Gold Coast News, February 1st, 2010. (accessed 6 June, 2010)
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Images of Final Model in Crysis War
I did this Crysis War work in the computer laboratory but failed to save the finished file so all the work has gone excepted these remaining images. And in this work, some errors were taking place so that many of the model's surfaces were disappeared. For these reasons I decided to rebuild my work and submit it again with the followings.
The later submissions
Saturday, April 24, 2010
EXPERIMENT 2: Quotes from The Three clients
"Owing to this struggle for life, any variation, however slight and from whatever cause proceeding, if it be in any degree profitable to an individual of any species, in its infinitely complex relationship to other organic beings and to external nature, will tend to the preservation of that individual, and will generally be inherited by its offspring."
Charles Darwin, "Chapter 3: Struggle for Existence", from The Origin of Species (London: Penguin Group, 1985), 115.
Image Source: (accessed: 24 April, 2010)
Stephen Hawking
"It is possible for space-time to be finite in extent and yet to have no singularities that form a boundary or an edge. Space-time would be like the surface of the earth . . .The surface of the earth is finite in extent but it doesn't have a boundary or edge: If you sailed off into the sunset, you don't fall off the edge or run into a singularity."
Stephen Hawking, "Chapter 8: The Origin and Fate of the Universe", from A Brief History of Time: from the big bang to black holes (New York: Bantam Books, 1990), 135.
Image Source: (accessed: 24 April, 2010)
Nicole Kuepper
"For me, the potential for photovoltaics to play a major role in reducing the use of dirty kerosene lamps and the money people spend on batteries is enormous." (accessed: 24 April, 2010)
Image Source: (accessed: 24 April, 2010)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
3 Animations of My Developed Model
This video records several views of my developed SketchUp model to describe the structure under different modes. There are 5 floors in the building - Piccinini's private workshop 1, workshop 2, the shared gallery, Goodwin's workshop 2, then his private workshop 1, from the top down. To be emphasized, the floor between the shared gallery and private places are workshops and galleries for artists which are opened to the visitors as well, thus giving them a chance to experience the atmospheres of artists' spirits closely.
About the Upper Space
This video displays the interior scenes of the the ground floor and above, from the shared gallery to Piccinini's private workspace. The whole feels intangible and peaceful, and the use of "bulbous" in the above spaces gives an organic sense that fits Piccinini's concepts well.
About the Lower Spaces
The interior views of Goodwin's place look unruffled and heavy compared to the upper spaces. "Torn", as a texture, is used selectively to show the cracked, faceted and ordered feelings.
3D Google Warehouse Link:
Images of My Developed SketchUp Model
This image, which is rendered by Vray, shows the flows of light, shadow and colours in the surfaces of the building for the changing of shapes, materials and textures. The charicters of the different spaces are easier to be recognized that the uppers are much more smooth while the lowers look sharp and cracked.
Communications between the Inside and Outside
This image mainly shows the contrast between the 2 spaces. A breach extanding under the ground constitutes the below place which gives a feeling of approaching the deeper. the above place looks light and quiet to creat a peaceful sense. And both of them still have communications with the oppositions, such as brightness and darkness.
Relations between Each Part of the Building
This image is chosen to show the perspective of structure and spaces. The layers in the building and the links between them can be seen clearly.
Textures and Materials in Use